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The Westminster Disaster

Sir Fred Hoyle, f.r.s., well-known as astronomer, writer, broadcaster and television personality, was born in Bingley, Yorkshire, in 1915, and educated at Bingley Grammar School and Emmanuel College, Cambridge. A Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge, he was a university lecturer in mathematics from 1945 to 1958, when he was appointed to the post of Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy (1958-73). He was later made Director of the Cambridge Institute of Theoretical Astronomy (1966-73), which he himself had founded. In 1972 he was knighted, and in 1974 he was awarded a Royal Medal by Her Majesty the Queen in recognition of his distinguished contribution to theoretical physics and cosmology.

Sir Fred Hoyle's publications include The Nature of the Universe (1950; in Pelican), A Decade of Decision (1953), Frontiers of Astronomy (1956), Of Men and Galaxies (1964), Ten Faces of the Universe (1977), Stonehenge (1977) and (with N. C. Wickramasinghe) Lifecloud: The Origin of Life in the Universe (1978). His novels include The Black Cloud (1957), Ossian's Ride (1959) and October the First is Too Late (1966). Fifth Planet (1963), Rockets in Ursa Major (1969), Seven Steps to the Sun (1970), The Molecule Men (1971), The Inferno (1972) and The Incandescent Ones (1977) were written with Geoffrey Hoyle. Fred Hoyle has also published a play, Rockets in Ursa Major (1962), and is the joint-author of A for Andromeda (1962), a television serial.

Born in 1942, Geoffrey Hoyle is Fred Hoyle's son. He was educated at Bryanston and Cambridge University, which he left in order to work in modern communications and motion pictures. He is now a full-time writer, working sometimes in collaboration with his father but often independently.



Fred Hoyle

Geoffrey Hoyle

The Westminster Disaster

Edited by Barbara Hoyle

Penguin Books


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First published in Great Britain by William Heinemann Ltd 1978 Published in Penguin Books 1980

Copyright © Fred Hoyle and Geoffrey Hoyle, 1978 All rights reserved

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1   August 7th-11th: The Threads   9

2   August 12th: The Threads Interweave   35

3   August 13th: Hermann Kapp and Others   51

4   August 14th: The Terrorists Assemble   70

5   August 15th: The Construction Begins   98

6   August 16th: A Chance for the Police   108

7   August 17th: A Matter of Timing   128

8   August 18th: The Westminster Disaster   178



The following characters, appearing in this story, have no relation to any persons known to the authors:

The President of the U.S.A.

The British Prime Minister

The Party Chairman

Heisal Woods, U.S. Secretary of State

Henry Fielding, British Home Secretary

Victor Kuzmin, Soviet Ambassador to the U.N.

Pamplin Forsythe, British Ambassador to the U.N.

Hermann Kapp, a terrorist

Anna Morgue (alias Félix) a terrorist

Abu l'Weifa (alias Pedro-the-Basque), a terrorist

Al Simmonds, a terrorist

Chief Inspector Cluny Robertson

Superintendent Willy Best

Sir Stanley Farrar, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police

Robert Becker, head of the C.I.A.

Valas Georgian, high official in the K.G.B.

Igor Markov, subordinate to Valas Georgian

Colonel Barry Gwent, British Military Intelligence

General Holland, British Military Intelligence


Alex Semjanov

Captain Luri Otto

Klaus Harstein

Father O'Donovan


Sunion Webb, an intellectual

Ernest Carruthers, an intellectual


Jack Hart

Stan Tambling


Robert Morales

Rollie Schooners

Maxwell Burt

Ole Grote

Ron Weld

Tom Osborne, President of I.H.M. of Canada

Roberta Osborne, his wife

Pieter van Elders, a minister of the South African government

David Kemp, a British lawyer

Paco Palmgren, a Swedish lawyer

Susi, a girl friend of Hermann Kapp

Jane Barrow, secretary to Becker

Colonel Abdul Hassim, a Libyan minister


J. J. Marquette

Others, unnamed


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